Tuesday, May 3, 2011

should books be renamed?

                Since I saw the name of the article, I loved it. I mean that’s a really good thing to write about, nobody has written about it, not that I know. This type of articles are the ones I enjoy, because they are funny and interesting. So I think you guys will enjoy it.
                The author is so right about the books´ titles. They never have a name that shows you what the book is going to be about, some don´t even have any relation with the book. So why shouldn´t all titles be renamed to a name that fits the book. That way you can have an idea of what the book is going to talk about. For example, “James and the Giant Peach” can be easily summed up as “It's Okay If Giant Fruit Kills Your Aunts So Long As They Were Bitches.” I just loved it, I mean what a great name for it, and it made me laugh a lot.
            So guys you read this article if you like the idea of it, and here is the link to the page where you can find all this. Enjoy it. betterbooktitles.com

               should books be renamed?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Finally vacations!!!!

Yeaaah we´re finally on vacations, aldo we just have one week  but lets enjoy a lot.
don´t have any plans yet, I´m thinking about going swimming with one of my best friends, but we have a lot of hwk, I mean come on who gives hwk on vacations, anyway I got some projects too, and  a lot of reading to do. Do you guys know the new TWILIGHT book is already out. I´m totally gonna buy it.
Well thats all I have right now but I´ll be checking in case I see something cool to post, see you guys.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

a few things you can do

things you can do

This is a really interesting post, because is usefull, well it gives you a list of things you can do this vacations, or anytime, but it gives you the list of some movies to watch, which the ones I know are really good, so I´ll have to see the other ones. there´s a list of books, that I know no one if them, but I might read some. there´s some things to cook on holidays. So this would´ve helped on vacation, cuz I had a lot, and I didn´d go anywere, so I read but then I had nothing else to do, and I sincerly don´t like to study on vacations.
travel channel anthony bourdain

When I first saw the title of this post, I didn´t really imagine what could it be about, I just clicked on it.
So it´s about his visit to south beach and the things hs does. But what really kept my attention, is all the things his does, I mean his no normal person, he is kind of famous, but o my gosh I wish I could do all thoes things, like eating in a lot of restaurants, getting tattoes, swimming, and having all that fun. I mean I wouldn´t get a tattoo of course, but having all that interesting things to do. Anyway I don´t really recomen it to read, if you want something to entretain you.

Friday, March 18, 2011

everybody eats bacon but...

everybody eats bacon but no one wants to stab the pig!!!

Sense I first saw the title I loved it, haha I mean come on this is so true, I love bacon but I never really imagine myself stabbing it haha, but anyway I think this guy, the one that does his own food, and I really mean he does it, because he prepares the meat and does the whole procedure, is awsome. I mean come on who does that this days right??!! Anyway I wouldn´t watch the show if its grouse. But I still have some interest on watching it, cuz I read some of the people´s posts and they seem to enjoy it, so anyway I might watch and if I like it, I´ll post about how good was it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

about me

hey, Im Giselle, I´m an only child, I´m 16 years old, and even though I don´t have sisters or brothers I have a lot of family, and I just love spending time with my cousins, I have 23 cousins, so my family is really big and united. I love to read romantic novels such as the Twilight Saga, I love to dance, all type of music except norteƱas eeeew I hate them, so thats actually the main things you should know about me